Support mail :  | Sales mail : | Sales No : +91-9990390197 , +91-8299218227, +91-8527139875  | Support No : +91-9990390199

Sales Nayak Features

Ultimate Features That You Can't Resist



See all your Client data & conversation history in this dashboard.

  • Lead Assignment
  • Share teamplates through Whatsapp, Emails & SMS
  • View all leads as per their stages
  • Direct Quotations, Sale Orders, Sale Invoices & Performa generation


Reports for total Sales, SO, Purchases, PO generated.

  • Latest Sales Orders
  • Quotation Summary Analysis
  • Financial Year Summarised Reports


Manage all your complaints & after sale services with reportings.

  • Register New Complaints for AMC, Warranty & Normal Customers
  • Complaint Assignment To Engineers
  • Automated SMS, Mail & WhatsApp options
  • Track Status & Loaction Of Engineers
  • Complaint Reportings
  • Raise Quotations & PI At Customer End
  • Generate Service Invoices
  • Export Reports On Excel


Get all reports & analysis of running projects in your company.

  • Track Status Of Every Projects
  • Track the Estimated & Completion Duration Of Projets
  • Track The BOM(Bill Of Material) Of Every RUnning Project
  • Track Materilas Issued For The Project


Get Report & Analysis Of Every Running Or Expired Rental.

  • Track Total Running, Expired & Outstanding Rentals
  • Get Notifications of Expired Rentals
  • Get Estimate For Upcoming Rental Expiries
  • Report of Today Expiry With Renewal & Issue Options
  • Automated SMS, Mail & WhatsApp options


Get Reports & Analysis Of Every Activity Performed In A Compaany In A Selected Duration.

  • Get Follow-Ups Reporting
  • Get Reports Of Calls & WhatsApp
  • Summarised Data of Total Quotations, Sale, Sales Orders
  • Track Employees On The Basis Of Login History, Follow-Up Summary, Ranking & Success Ratio


See all your Client data & conversation history in this dashboard.

  • Lead Assignment
  • Share teamplates through Whatsapp, Emails & SMS
  • View all leads as per their stages
  • Direct Quotations, Sale Orders, Sale Invoices & Performa generation


See all your Client data & conversation history in this dashboard.

  • Lead Assignment
  • Share teamplates through Whatsapp, Emails & SMS
  • View all leads as per their stages
  • Direct Quotations, Sale Orders, Sale Invoices & Performa generation

Lead Features

  • Manage Customer Data
  • Add Multiple Contact Person
  • Manage Lead
  • Team Management
  • Follow-up notification
  • Delivery notification
  • Meeting notification
  • Reschedule Meetings
  • Reschedule Delivery
  • Reschedule Follow-up
  • Lead Assignments
  • Lead Counter
  • Click To Call
  • Todo List
  • Work Report
  • Target Vs Achievement

Inventory Features

  • Quotation
  • Sales Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase
  • Stock
  • Performa Invoice
  • Sales Return
  • Rental Invoice
  • Invoice Notification
  • Auto Email
  • Auto SMS
  • Service Call Log
  • Service Call Log Visit
  • Material Movement

Account Features

  • Payment
  • Receipt
  • Outstanding
  • P&L
  • Trial Balance
  • Balance Sheet
  • Product Ledger
  • GST Ledger
  • GST Report