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Fasten up your sale process with our SalesNayak CRM

A Sales Order is a document sent by you to your customer for confirming the items and their prices of a sale. It can be created once the quote gets accepted by the particular customer and you are ready to deliver the same product/service.
In SalesNayak, you can easily create a sales order with no more time and in a very precise way.

Manage all your sales orders from beginning to end in this section.

1. All your new and pre-generated sales orders can be seen in the 'New Sales Order' menu, here you can add new sales orders or can take actions on already created ones. You can view details, update, manage and track payments, generate further required invoices, delete, etc on any of the SO created.

2. You can see all the SOs waiting for approval in the 'Pending Approval' menu and can approve them from there. And, you can see the list of all the rejected ones in the 'Rejected Order'.

3. All your orders added in the system as products or projects or services can be seen in the 'Product Order List', 'Project Order List' and 'Service Order List', respectively.

4. All your pending and completed orders can be seen in the 'Pending Order' and 'Completed Order'.

5. If any of the sales orders which are on hold or are lost due to any reason, then all those sales orders can be tracked in the 'Hold Order' and 'Lost Order', respectively.

6. All your sales orders created and completed till the date can be seen in the 'Order Summary' along with their pricing and all other details. Also, you can see the summarized view of all your sales orders based on items in the 'Sales Order Details'