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Yes, we know that your company handles many projects at once. But have you ever thought of managing all of them at the same time and that too with ease? No worries at all, no matter how many projects are currently in running status. Manage all of them in one place. Here comes Project Dashboard, which lets you manage all your current running projects of your company with an easy UI and access.
1.You can view all the projects or can search projects on the basis of project no., company, or person. Further, you can view them in ascending or descending order along with on the basis of its order id, completion, project no., BOM, value, or issue. Either you can specifically search certain projects by manually typing any kind of its value.
2. You can see the flow of all the projects under them and can see their current status. Also, the flow given below is dynamic and can be totally designed by you according to your company's workflow.
3. Once the project is closed it moves out from your Project Dashboard and will be then reflected in closed projects.
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