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Purchase orders are required when the buyer of the products/items chooses to return back the purchased goods back to the seller. Excessive purchase returns can interfere with your business profit a lot, so they must be monitored closely and attentively.
Our SalesNayak CRM makes this job a lot easier than ever before. Now you can manage them all easily and all in one section.
Purchase return of any material can be done through two ways in SalesNayak CRM.
1. You can open the purchase list in the Purchase menu and can click on any specific product and can generate a purchase return from there. Steps to be followed are :
Entry Segment -> Purchase -> New Purchase -> Purchase (which has to be returned) -> Generate -> Purchase Return
2. If you want to add a manual purchase return you can do it in the 'New Return' of the Purchas, Return menu. You can click on any purchase return to view its details or to perform further tasks if required.
3. All the list of the purchase returns can be viewed in the 'Purchase Return List'. And, the item-wise summarised list can be seen in the 'Purchase Return Details'.
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