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Save time and money with our easy sales invoice creation

A sale invoice is an accounting document that records business transactions. It happens a lot that we get a good sale but not that much of profit which we should get from that sale, it might happen because of mismanagement in the business. But, this can be minimized because selling isn't only a thing but also managing it.

Here you can use our sales invoice management system which will keep the track of all your sales. Now create sales invoices in one click and save a handful of time so that you can work faster and efficiently.

All your Sales Invoices can be managed here in this section.

1. All your previously created sales invoices can be seen in the 'New Invoices' and also you can create a new invoice from here. You can click on any of the invoices to see it in detailed form, update it, generate further invoices for the same, cancel it, or add the terms & conditions.

2. All the invoices pending for the approval or are rejected can be seen in the 'Pending Approval' and 'Rejected Invoices', respectively. You can also approve the invoices in the Pending Approval section if you are authorised to do so.

3. All the invoices till the date can be seen in the 'Invoice List' and item-wise invoice list in the 'Invoice Detail' section.

4. All the cancelled invoices can be seen in the 'Cancel Invoice List' menu. Also, you can rollback any of the cancelled invoices, if required.

5. You can also manage all your GST reporting for all your sales invoices in the 'GST Report'.